Thursday, September 20, 2012

Michigan - September 18-19, 2012

Amtrak left Chicago on time on Tuesday and arrived in St. Joseph, Michigan, only 15 minutes late.  The National Carousel Association (NCA) had a representative meet the train and drive us to the hotel, which is fewer than two blocks from the train station and overlooks Lake Michigan and the local beach.  Quite a lovely view.  Unfortunately, the train from the Twin Cities to Chicago which my roommate Marcia took was late by two hours so she missed the connecting train.  Because it happens so often, Amtrak was prepared and bussed all the Michigan passengers from Chicago to their destinations.  So by bedtime we were all tucked in.

There were some pre-activities for the convention on Wednesday during the day, but I'd decided not to participate.  Instead I used the time to rent a car to drive to Cassopolis (about an hour's drive away) where my cousin Margie (actually I believe she's my second cousin, once removed -- but who can figure that out?) is residing in a nursing home.  She appears to be doing well in this new home, benefiting from the fact that good friend/primary care giver Dianna is director of nursing at the home so is able to see her regularly and assure the best care.  

I learned the hard way that rental car companies no longer provide any maps to go with their cars.  They apparently want renters to pay for renting a GPS system, which of course I didn't want.  Fortunately a colleague of Dianna whom I'd called for help was able to provide directions, and I successfully arrived at the care center and enjoyed lunch and a nice visit with Margie.

Drove back to St. Joseph to get ready for the opening event of the convention.  There was a banquet with the usual (and some not so usual) speeches, and then we had the opportunity to see and ride on the Silver Beach Carousel, the host for the conference.  This is a new carousel which used the historic Silver Beach carousel as inspiration and guidance.

It's a community-themed carousel inspired by local people and institutions (especially local teams).  The six white horses on the carousel replicate the Charles Carmel carvings on the original Silver Beach carousel.  Thus this is a combination of the new and old and is truly a community endeavor of which the locals are justifiably proud.

In addition to the wonderful carousel Silver Beach has a small carousel museum, two band organs, and a wonderful train set-up which has a miniature amusement park as a part of it.

To bed well after midnight -- far too late for the early start planned for the full day of touring on Thursday.

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