Sunday, February 3, 2013

Uganda - February 1, 2013

We've had some problems at the hotel getting hot water, but this morning there was NO water.  There went the shower and hair washing I'd planned on.

I wasn't scheduled for any specific activity for today so decided to spend time in the GUW office. 

I wanted to get firmer information on the educational sponsorship program.  That required talking to Sarah and to Eunice, trying to work within their other commitments.

I also used Eunice as a consultant to help me buy a Ugandan dress.  That involves picking out fabric and having a tailor make it up -- within a matter of hours.  The shop she likes/uses is within the market, down a narrow street.  Some of the workers do their tasks on the porch.

The tailor has two large posters, each with 20 or 25 dress style choices.  I would have liked something of a combination, but apparently that's not a possibility so I selected a skirt and top that I thought would look the best and would use the fabric I liked.  She said it would be done at 2, which was only 2 hours away.

We returned to the office for lunch and a little more work.  Returned at 3:15 to find it almost finished.  But, after trying on, it was clear that some alterations were necessary.  So Eunice agreed she would go back when called by the tailor, and I could return to the hotel.  Some of the other volunteers had returned from their activities to the office, but the bus was still out getting the last of them.  Five of us decided to walk from the office to the hotel.  We went a bit astray so had a longer walk than required, but all agreed it was good to stretch out legs.  We've been mostly sitting so definitely could use the exercise.

I was grateful there was hot water so I could clean up before the surprise farewell party for Anika that Sarah had planned.  Anika's contract as African Director is up, and she is ready to return to the USA and Minnesota.  Since this is her last visit in Uganda, GUW and clinic staff and representatives of the boards and community wanted to bid her farewell.  The volunteer dinner was combined with the party so all ate and partyed well.  There were many heartfelt speeches thanking Anika for her service and several sweet gifts.

A good time was had by all as everyone joined together in dancing.

I decided to go to bed early (9:15 p.m.) in order to get a reasonable number of hours of sleep.  Apparently I'm fated to be awake for 2 or 3 hours in the middle of each night; maybe this way I can still get 7 or 8 hours of rest.

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